+254 751 77 88 99



The terms and conditions of this agreement supersede any prior verbal/written agreements and becomes effective immediately upon making a Downpayment/ Deposit for our services. That means that the client has read and fully understood our terms and conditions of this contract.



Our Terms for Event Coverage or Contract (the “Contract”) is entered into between WEBNET FILMS of telephone number +254751778899 (the “Media Crew”), also individually referred to as the “Party”, and collectively the “Parties” and our Client (the “Client”).
The client is to provide event details such as:
i. Event Date(s)
ii. Event Location(s)
iii. Contact Persons & Details
iv. Coverage Duration (Start & End Time)


The Parties are to agree on the total cost of the coverage and the Client is supposed to make a 20% Payment of the total agreed amount which is Non-Refundable and acts as a Reservation Deposit.
The Client is supposed to make a 70% Payment of the total agreed amount as a Downpayment Deposit for the coverage and should not be later than 2 weeks to the event.
The Client is to pay the remaining 10% Balance on the event day or after the event or on the day or picking the deliverables.


The deliverables will have been stated in the Quotation document and the Media Crew is to provide the deliverables as stated.
Editing may take between 1 (one) day to 3 (three) weeks depending on the project workload and the pending work we have.
However, WEBNET FILMS reserves the right to exceed completion timescales, especially during busier periods and this is in order to give proper time and attention to the Client’s work.
The Client should make sure He/She/They clear their balances and collect the deliverables (Photos/Videos/Flash/Mounts/Photobook e.t.c) within 1MONTH from the day of event. Any delays in collection will attract a storage fee of Ksh.1,000/month otherwise the Media Crew is NOT liable in the event of loss or damage of the Client’s work.


4.1. The Client agrees to provide a meal for the Media Crew if the crew’s attendance is required for more than five (5) hours.
4.2. The Client agrees to give/have someone give the Media Crew sufficient warning of key events, inorder to give the Media Crew proper time to prepare (i.e., Suprises, Special Kiss, Bouquet toss, Cake cutting, etc.)
4.3. The Media crew will endeavor to get shots of as many guests as possible, which may be limited by guests’ cooperation in having their photo/video taken.
4.4. The Client agrees that the Media crew shall be given priority in taking photographs/videos over guests with cell phone cameras and other devices. Our Media crew cannot be held responsible for lack of shots or poor shots of photographs/videos if guests are interfering with the crew’s work.
4.5. The Client acknowledges the Media crew may be limited in scope by rules of the location of the event. (i.e., flash photography may not be allowed in some areas e.t.c.).
4.6. Drone: Due to changes of the weather, zone restrictions or unforeseen circumstances depending on the area, Media Crew pilot may decide not to fly drone to safeguard it from damages or violating drone regulations/ restrictions in certain areas.(i.e. flying a drone on a rainy day, windy or stormy day, near an airport or a restricted area, or near a military base, or near/over an electric grid etc.) Client agrees that in such a scenario, NO refunds will be given.


WEBNET FILMS shall maintain the copyright of all photographs/videos and the Client grants the Party and its legal representatives automatically upon the Client’s downpayment and assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish output of the Client or in which the Client may be included, for the Client or for Party’s portfolio, samples, self-promotions, entry in contests or art exhibitions, advertising, illustration, editorial use, or for display within or on the outside of the studio, including printed materials, media on the Web, and any current or future digital media.
If the Media Crew desires to use images/videos for other marketing purposes, they may do so without oral or written permission from the Client. The Party grants the Client permission to make copies of the images for personal use by the Client and the Client’s family and friends. Sale, publication, or any other commercial use is specifically prohibited without the prior written consent of the Party.


The Media Crew shall endeavour to get on site before the official coverage time starts for setup, and will end coverage at the stated end time as per the Quote. We however give our clients a grace period 30 minutes. Any extra coverage hour(s) past the grace period will attract an extra charge of Ksh.2,000/hr on Photography and/or Ksh.4,000/hr on Videography.


i). By Client. The Client may cancel this Agreement at any time prior to the event. Upon cancellation, the Client will be entitled to a refund of any monies paid, Except for the 20% non-refundable reservation deposit.
ii). By Party. The Media Crew may cancel this Agreement at any time prior to the event. If the Party cancels, then the Media Crew must provide a suitable, replacement photographer/videographer, subject to the Client’s approval, which shall be obtained in writing/email/chat. In the alternative, the Party shall refund 100% of all monies previously paid by the Client, including the non-refundable deposit. In the event the Party finds a suitable replacement photographer/videographer, the Party shall forward all monies already paid by the Client to the replacement photographer/videographer.


In the event of a dispute arising out of this Contract that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the Parties agree to engage in mediation. If the matter cannot be resolved through mediation, and legal action ensues, the successful Party will be entitled to its legal fees, including, but not limited to its attorneys’ fees.


In the event any provision of this Contract is deemed invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, that part shall be severed from the remainder of the Contract and all other provisions should continue in full force and effect as valid and enforceable.


This Contract is legal and binding between the Parties as stated above. This Contract may be entered into and is legal and binding both in the Republic of Kenya. The Parties each represent that they have the authority to enter into this Contract.


The Parties agree that this Contract shall be governed by the State and/or Country in which the wedding will be held.


The terms and conditions of this agreement supersede any prior verbal/written agreements and becomes effective immediately upon making a Downpayment/ Deposit for our services. That means that the client has read and fully understood our terms and conditions of this contract.

WEBNET FILMS - Contract Agreement
WEBNET FILMS – Contract Agreement
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